Welcome to Join Us :-)

We always look for excellent people -- graduates and undergrads -- to join our group. If you are interested in the economic aspects of data and machine learning, please feel free to drop me a line and indicate how your research interests and experiences match our research. I usually try my best to respond to emails that are truly relevant.

Main requirements: (1) Self-motivated. You will not be able to learn much here if you do not motivate yourself or cannot devote much time; (2) Strong mathematical background. We are interested in developing principled and rigorous techniques; (3) Good programming skills (well, self explanatory).

Prospective Students:

-- Undergrads and master students at UChicago: Our group regularly host undergrad and master research assistants. If you are interested, please fill this Google Form to initiate the conversation and describe your research interest. We usually respond within a week to those whose backgrounds match our ongoing projects (though keep in mind that we could not accommodate all requests due to fitness reasons). There is no need to email me since we will ask you to fill the form first anyway. Notably, all the undergrad RAs in our group are expected to lead research projects and publish at premium CS conferences (most of our past undergrad RAs did successfully achieve these goals).

-- PhD Applicants: We always look for excellent PhD candidates. If you are interested, please apply to the UChicago CS PhD program and indicates your interest in working with me. If you feel it might be helpful to drop me a line, please feel free to do so and I usually try my best to respond to those requests that are truly relevant.

-- Visitors & Summer Interns: Our group does host visitors or interns occasionally. We typically only host visitors who (1) already have relevant research and paper writing experience, or have recommendations from researchers whom I know; and (2) can visit for at least three months or more. Please indicate these requirements in your email request (attach/link your sample papers); otherwise I may not be able to respond due to large amount of requests.